Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Week 7 Homework Part III: iGoogle

IGoogle has many features that could be added for educational purposes. The five things I picked for my high school math class were: MyCoolAids Triangle, Unit Converter,, Sudoku, and ToDo.

1. MyCoolAids Triangle is a program that solves for the length of sides and angles of triangles.

2. Unit Converter is a program that can convert meters to feet, cups to quarts, etc...

3. is a program that can not only be used to solve order of operations problems, but it also teaches you how to do the problem.

4. Sudoku is a fun math game that most students are already familiar with. When I taught in the past I would put simple Sudoku puzzles on the board for students to solve for bonus points when we had some spare time at the end of class.

5. ToDo would be added to my iGoogle page because it was a requirement at my last school to have an objectives list on the board everyday. If I had access to the equipment it would be nice to project my iGoogle page on one of the dry erase boards in the classroom everyday and have the objectives typed up on the ToDo list.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am the author of mycoolaids triangle gadget. Looks like you are a math teacher. I have some other math tools on my site that you might want to check out!

I am planning to add some more, Any suggestion?
