Friday, June 8, 2007

Week 2 Homework: ACCESS

Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide (ACCESS) is a program that allows schools to offer classes through the web. The teacher is located at one school, and through the web, teaches students at any other school that is participating in this program.

This program is a great way for schools to expand their advanced placement classes and electives. For example ACCESS could be used to teach calculus at a small school that could not hire a teacher to teach calculus because only a few students wanted to take it. Students will be able to ask questions and talk to their teacher through videoconferencing. Only a monitor is required in the classroom.


Jennifer Schwartz said...

That would be neat for the students to have a teacher at a different school... there are so many possibilities there. Now students can not only take the class, but they get to interact with kids from different parts of the state (or maybe some day country). How neat is that!

hinds.marcee said...

I love the idea of being able to offer students courses that not be available to them because of economic resources. There are many students around the state that would like to take AP classes or receive their advanced diploma but are unable to.